

  • 1 packet flat rice noodles prepared to instructions, drained, tossed with olive oil to avoid clumping
  • 1 cup finely shredded bok choy, spinach, watercress or the like
  • 1 cup of your favourite soft herbs, picked or shredded
  • 3-4 spring onions shredded
  • 1T sesame oil
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • Salt, pepper, sugar to season
  • 2T toasted sesame seeds to garnish


Herby rice noodle salad

rice noodle salad


  • Toss all but the last ingredient to combine, adjust season, and serve immediately sprinkled with sesame seeds, and a lean grilled protein of your choice, or even a creamy soft poached egg


This cheerful gluten-free salad is so fast to prepare and goes great with grilled or poached fish. Zesty, fresh and light, it screams ‘summer is coming!’

Thanks to Janefield Paeonies and Hydroponics  for providing the salad green  used in the demonstration at the market
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