

  • Pasta fresh or dried



dsc00091 v2


  • The most important lesson I have learnt with cooking pasta is not to over-cook it! It needs to have a slight bite
  • Choosing the right pasta for the right sauce is also important
  • Always use a large pot with enough water so the pasta has plenty of room to move around
  • Simply 2/3 fill a good-size pot up with water and a generous pinch of salt
  • Bring to the boil
  • Only add the pasta when it is on a rolling boil
  • I tend to read the instructions on the pasta packets as they can vary
  • But the best test is to remove a piece and bite into it to test it
  • It should be tender to the bite but not soft! Give the pot of pasta a frequent stir to prevent over-cooking
  • As soon as it is done, drain most of the liquid, but reserve some of the liquid as it is good to add to your sauce
  • Add to your favourite sauce!


Whether it is fresh or dried pasta is arguably one of the all-time great meals. It makes the perfect light lunch or a comforting dinner, and it is always a hit with children.

A lot of people think fresh pasta is superior to dried - not true! It’s just that they have a different role to play in your dish. Dried pasta generally is made from flour and mostly water, which means that it lasts longer and retains a fantastic bite. It is great with seafood, oily tomato sauces. Whereas fresh pasta is silky and tender and suits being stuffed