

  • 2T oil  (I confess to using butter or lard on occasion but olive oil is good too)
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • ½ to a full pack of bacon scraps
  • 3 or 4 eggs
  • freshness to sprinkle (basil, parsley or spring onions)


Hurry up Dinner for Two (or three)

hurry dinner


  • 1
  • Heat fry pan to medium hot
  • 2
  • Eat a carrot and a tomato so that you have had something fresh
  • 3
  • Wash then cube your potatoes as small as you can, I do about ½cm cubes
  • 4
  • Toss potatoes in the hot oil in pan then put a lid over it to semi-steam-fry
  • 5
  • Cut onions finely and add
  • 6
  • Toss and put the lid back on for 2 minutes or so
  • 7
  • Add the bacon
  • 8
  • Fry until it is looking golden-ish, about 6 or 7 minutes
  • 9
  • Make a 3 or 4 wee hollows then break an egg in to each, put the lid on for 2½ minutes
  • 10
  • Spoon un-egged mix on to plate then carefully place eggs on top
  • 11
  • Sprinkle with greenery and pepper


I make this when I want tasty food, fast.

Thanks to Havoc Pork for providing the bacon bits, and to Brydone Growers for the onions used in the demonstration.

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