

  • Serves 5-8
  • 1 kg new potatoes, washed well and scraped if desired
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • good handful watercress and rocket
  • 1 Tbsp fresh tarragon and chervil – parsley, mint, basil, dill or fennel work well also
  • 2 gherkins, finely chopped
  • 1 Tbsp good quality capers, roughly chopped
  • 2 Tbsp good quality extra virgin olive oil
  • freshly cracked pepper
  • pinch salt



potato w herb sauce


  • Place the potatoes in a good size pot with a generous pinch of salt, cover with water and bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer until tender
  • Whilst they are cooking, bring a medium size pot to the boil
  • Quickly plunge the rocket and watercress into the water for only a few seconds
  • Remove immediately and lay flat on a clean dry cloth to cool down
  • In a food processor add the softened butter and blend until pale and creamy, add the rocket and watercress, all the herbs and blend again until well combined and green looking
  • Season to taste
  • Remove from the processor and mix through the gherkins and capers
  • Put aside until the potatoes are cooked
  • Once the potatoes are cooked, drain well and put into serving dish and spoon over this fragrant, fantastic green butter


 When the potatoes are this fresh and new to the season I really don’t like to do much to them except serve them with butter and salt. However this herb butter is delicious and enhances the potatoes, as you don’t want to lose their delicate flavour.

Thanks to BRYDONE GROWERS – Jersey Benne potatoes, and JANEFIELD PAEONIES and HYDROPONICS –watercress and rocket, for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market

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