

  • Per serve
  • ½ cup oats
  • ½ cup juice
  • optional nuts/seeds
  • ½ an apple grated
  • 2 mint leaves shredded
  • yoghurt


Juicy Bircher

b muesli


  • Soak oats in the juice and keep in a covered dish in the refrigerator overnight
  • To serve stir in some freshly grated apple and a few shredded mint leaves, and top with a spoon of yoghurt
  • Experiment with adding a spoon of your favourite seeds and/or nuts – if you go for chia seeds be sure to add half the volume of juice again
  • Play with a mixture of rolled, whole, or steel cut oats for a more interesting texture
  • For a richer nuttier taste without adding any fat try toasting your oats in a dry pan and letting them cool before you soak them
  • There’s no end of options and toppings!  


As the weather warms up there’s no reason to relegate your winter oats to the back of your culinary wardrobe. With a splash of juice and a last minute sprinkle oats go from porridge to rejuvenating Bircher muesli.

Experiment with your favourite juice blend. I am using ‘Lover’ featuring sweet and earthy beetroot.

Thanks to Willowbrook Orchard – apples, and to Design Juicery – ‘Lover’ juice  for providing the   ingredients used in the demonstration at the market
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