

  •  Serves: 4 to 6
  • Dressing:
  • 1 teaspoon minced fresh garlic
  • (or 2 teaspoons minced red/white bottoms of summer garlic)
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed (not bottled) lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
  • Several grinds of black pepper
  • Sea salt
  • Salad
  • 6 cups loosely packed kale leaves (try baby kale during warmer months)
  • 1/4 cup sweet cherries, cut roughly in quarters
  • Freshly shelled peas, lightly blanched


Kale Salad with Cherries and Lime Dressing

kale salad


  • In a small glass or metal bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients with a fork
  • Set the dressing aside while preparing kale
  • Strip stems from leaves, removing the stems
  • Tear or cut leaves roughly into 2” squares, then wash in a salad spinner and pat dry with a clean tea towel or paper towels
  • Transfer the kale leaves to a serving container
  • Toss with the dressing
  • With clean hands, massage the dressing in with the kale leaves until they soften and turn bright green, about 45 to 60 seconds
  • Sprinkle the peas and cherries over the kale
  • Allow salad to sit for 15 to 20 minutes before serving
  • Summer Additions: Sliced almonds and fresh apricots (diced to 1/2”) Chopped pecans and fresh peaches (diced to 1/2”) Winter Additions Chopped walnuts and dried cherries or cranberries Chopped hazelnuts and sultanas or raisins For best resul


Thanks to Brydone Growers (kale), and to Wairuna Organics (peas) for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration.

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