

  • 1 cup Dragonfly Unbakery lemon, ginger, black pepper, turmeric kombucha – or any flavour that tickles your fancy.
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons gelatine


Desserts Vegetarian


Kombucha Jellies

kombucha jellies


  • Mix gelatine into the water and then warm in a small saucepan to heat until the gelatine has completely dissolved
  • The gelatine mixture only needs to be warmed slightly for it to dissolve
  • If it has heated up too much, then let it cool before adding the kombucha to preserve the probiotics
  • Remove from heat and stir in the kombucha
  • Pour into a square baking tin lined with baking paper or into moulds
  • Set in the fridge
  • When set, cut into small squares or any shape you like! Store in the fridge


Gelatine is super healing for the gut and kombucha is a fermented probiotic drink so combining these ingredients with no added sugar is about as perfect a healthy treat as you can get.