

  • 1 packet cheerio sausages
  • ½ cup plain flour, to dust
  • ½ cup plain flour
  • ½ fine polenta
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup cold water
  • 1 egg
  • Rice bran oil for frying


Mini hotdogs

mini hotdogs


  • Put the first measure of flour in a shallow dish and toss all cheerios to coat
  • In a separate bowl combine the second measure of flour, polenta, salt, egg, and the water adding more or less to get a batter the consistency of thin yogurt
  • With your oil at 190°C dip each cheerio in quick succession, allowing excess batter to drop off and transfer immediately to the oil, dropping away from you
  • Cook until crispy


I used to love visiting the butcher with my Oma and being handed a cheerio from the cabinet while she shopped. I think food safety regulations have put an end to that nostalgic gesture.