

  •  Serves 4-6
  • 1 small crown pumpkin
  • 4 cloves garlic, sliced thinly
  • 2 Tbsp miso paste
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 100g butter
  • Sea salt flakes
  • Freshly ground pepper



pumpkin v2


  • Preheat oven to 190C Carefully cut the pumpkin in half so you have a top and bottom
  • Scoop out the seeds and discard
  • Place the pumpkin halves flesh side up on a baking tray
  • Put half the butter aside and with remaining butter divide and put inside cavity of pumpkin
  • Scatter over some garlic (leaving some for later), rosemary leaves and miso paste
  • Season with salt and pepper and bake until the flesh is soft and golden
  • Depending on size and variety of pumpkin this time will vary 20-30 minutes or longer if needed
  • Whilst the pumpkin is roasting, melt the remaining butter in a small saucepan along with remaining garlic and finely chopped rosemary sprigs
  • Allow the butter to melt and go a golden brown colour, you will notice the garlic slivers turning a delicious toasted brown and the aroma will be nutty
  • Leave aside until required
  • When the pumpkins are cooked remove from oven and cool slightly
  • Scoop out flesh and place into a bowl, mash with the back of the fork and pour over 2/3 of the butter
  • Fold through to combine and pour over remaining garlicky butter
  • Spoon back into half pumpkins to serve if you wish


This looks great served in the pumpkin skin, centred in the middle of the table.

Thanks to ROSEDALE ORCHARD for providing the pumpkin used in the demonstration.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here