

  • 1.5kg pears
  • 250g sugar
  • 500ml red wine
  • 4 star anise
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 12 cloves



Preserves Pear


Mulled Pears

mulled pears


  • Pre heat the oven to 150 degrees Wash and dry 2 medium size preserving jars Heat the sugar, red wine and spices in a pot and bring to a simmer Prepare the pears by peeling, coring and slicing into quarters, place into the simmering liquid Put the washed
  • Take the jars from the oven and using tongs put the pear pieces into the jars
  • Pack the pears in tightly with the spices Pour the hot liquid into the jars until it is full to the very brim, using a skewer, push down the sides of the jar to make sure there are no air bubbles and if needed add more syrup
  • Place the seal onto the jar and screw the band down Leave the jars to cool completely and once cold check they have sealed
  • The seal should be slightly concave
  • If a jar hasn’t sealed place in the fridge and eat within a few days other wise if the seal is good then keep in a cool dark place until opened and then refrigerate *Use the pears in desserts, baked items or on a cheeseboard with blue cheese