

  • 800g new potatoes
  • 300g bacon
  • ½-1 bunch watercress
  • ½ red onion
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
  • Handful mint
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • ½ cup light olive oil



Spring Meat Sides NewPotatoes


New potatoes with bacon and watercress

new potatoes with bacon and watercress


  • Scrub the new potatoes, cut and boil in salted water until just tender
  • Drain and set aside to cool Make the vinaigrette by finely chopping the mint and placing in a bowl with the white wine vinegar and mustard
  • While whisking drizzle in the olive oil and then season with salt and pepper to taste Cook the bacon either in a pan or in the oven until brown and starting to crisp, drain off any excess oil and then cut into pieces Finely slice the red onion and pick t
  • Check the seasoning and add salt and pepper if desired