

  • Serves 4-6
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 bunch (1kg) new season carrots, tops removed
  • 2 cloves garlic, skin on
  • 4-6 leaves lovage
  • 4-6 leaves sage
  • Sea salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp pomegranate molasses



carrots dec 7th


  • Wash the carrots and cut in half lengthways
  • Lightly squash the garlic to release the oils (but keep skin on)
  • Place a heavy based fry pan or shallow dish on a moderate heat
  • Add the oil and garlic, when hot add the carrots and get them sizzling and allow them to get lightly coloured
  • Add the lovage, sage leaves and season with salt and pepper, put a lid on and turn down the heat so the carrots cook through (about 8-10 minutes)
  • Remove the carrots and put onto a serving plate, add the pomegranate molasses into the remaining oil and juices in the pan and mix to combine, drizzle over the warm carrots and serve either hot or at room temperature


Carrots have arrived and they are sweet and tender. They work beautifully with the herb lovage and will work wonderfully hot as a side or at room temperature as a salad.

Thanks to for MCARTHURS BERRY FARM (carrots) and JANEFIELD PEONIES AND HYDROPONICS (herbs) for providing the produce used in the demonstration.

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