

  • 1 kg pickling onions, peeled (see note below)
  • ½ tsp coriander seeds
  • ½tsp mustard seed
  • ½ tsp black peppercorns
  • ½ tsp dried chili flakes
  • 27g salt
  • 1 litre malt vinegar
  • 170g sugar



picled onions 5 jars


  • NOTE: Peeling pickling onions is fiddly and time consuming
  • To speed up the process top and tail the onions, then place the onions in a large heatproof bowl and pour over boiling water to cover
  • Leave to cool, and once the water is cool, hey presto, the skins will just rub away
  • Drain and pat the onions dry
  • Do not leave in the water for too long or the onions will start to go mushy
  • Sprinkle the salt over the dry, peeled onions, stir to make sure the salt is distributed and leave overnight
  • Next day (do not leave longer than overnight if you want your onions to be crisp) rinse the onions and dry with kitchen towel
  • Place the spices, vinegar and sugar into a large stainless steel pan
  • Heat to dissolve the sugar, do not boil
  • Pack the onions into clean, sterilized jars
  • Pour over the vinegar and spice liquid to fill the jars, make sure each jar has pickling spices in and check there are no air pockets
  • Seal the jars and leave to cool
  • The onions will be ready to eat after about one month or better if kept for two
  • Once opened store in a refrigerator


It is time! Pickling time! Pickled onions will be a welcome accompaniment to many a meal and for a little effort you will feel very satisfied with yourself.

Thanks to Brydone Organics for providing the pickling onions used in the demonstration

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