

  • 2tsp butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1T cream or milk
  • ¼ grated cheese
  • 2T smoked salmon, roughly flaked
  • Your choice of soft herbs so long as it includes chives


Omelette with salmon and herbs

omelette with salmon and herbs


  • Select a well-seasoned or non-stick pan and place of a gentle heat
  • In a cup whip together the eggs, milk, a pinch of salt and pepper
  • Add the butter to the pan, if the temperature is correct it foams but doesn’t colour; if it goes brown clean the pan and try again
  • With the butter foaming tip in your egg mix, then with a fork gently move the mix around the pan so long as it is loose enough to cover your forks trail
  • Once the eggs begin to set, cover half the omelette in the flaked salmon, cheese, and fresh herbs
  • Add a good grind of fresh pepper
  • At the point the eggs are almost set fold the clean side of the eggs over the filled side
  • This can take practice and perseverance
  • Gently tip the pan to invert the omelette onto a warmed serving plate
  • Scatter with more herbs and serve immediately


When I was training as a chef one of my lecturers said something curious that it has stuck in my mind; “when you understand eggs you understand cooking”. Seeing as I almost understand omelettes suggests that we are never done learning the art of cooking. Fortunately, when you’re spoilt with quality eggs (like at the market) your job half done!