

  • 500 grams asparagus
  • 1 tablespoon of ghee.


Pan Fried Asparagus with Ghee


  • Heat a nonstick or a cast iron pan to hot
  • Add 1 tablespoon of ghee Snap off the tough ends of the asparagus then add to the pan, shuffle around to coat in ghee
  • Cover the pan and let cook for three minutes, then turn
  • Remove from the heat, salt and serve
  • Ghee Ghee is my newfound love
  • It is essentially butter with the milk solids browned and then removed
  • It has an amazing nutty flavour, can tolerate a very high heat without burning, and will store in the cupboard (not the refrigerator) for up to a year! Gold! I make mine by putting 6 pounds of butter (6lbs!) in the crockpot on low for 6 hours
  • There are heaps of websites with quicker but more attention intensive methods of making it
  • Once the milk solids are slightly tan coloured, strain through a fine mesh into sterile jars


Thanks to Palmerston Asparagus for providing the asparagus used in the demonstration at the market

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