

  • New rocket potatoes (2-3 per head)
  • White fish of your choice (a fillet per head)
  • A little fine polenta or flour for dusting
  • Spice of your choice; try cinnamon, paprika, or cumin for starters
  • Spring onions; green tops whole, whites sliced
  • A few sprigs thyme or rosemary
  • A large handful of roquette, baby spinach or similar
  • A handful of parsley
  • Toum (Lebanese garlic sauce)


Pan fried fish with sauteed spuds

pan fried fish


  • Get ahead of the game by washing, cubing, boiling, draining, cooling, and re-draining your potatoes
  • Be sure to undercook them slightly so they maintain their shape during sautéing
  • Divide your filets into manageable sized pieces then lightly coat both sides with polenta or flour seasoned with salt, pepper and the spice you’ve chosen
  • In one pan, heat a little oil and butter over a moderate heat
  • Add fish fillets, turning once only after 90sec or so
  • Fish continues to cook through once taken out of the pan; to avoid overcooking remove the moment the flesh feels just firm to the touch
  • In another pan heat 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil and add a sprig of rosemary, thyme and the green lengths of the spring onions to fragrance your oil
  • Add your potatoes taking care not to overcrowd the pan (otherwise you will struggle to get your potatoes crisp)
  • Allow the first side to cook for a good couple of minutes before seasoning with salt and pepper, and turning or tossing
  • In the last seconds of cooking remove the lengths of green onion and any woody herb steams which will have done their job, add the sliced whites of your spring onions, and a handful of shredded parsley and another of roquette or baby spinach
  • Pile potatoes onto a platter and arrange fish on top
  • Dress with a scattering of roquette/spinach, parsley and sliced spring onions
  • Drizzle with a little Toum
  • Serve without delay


Here’s a twist on fish and chips which makes for great presentation on a platter. Use the freshest white fish you can get your hands on. Try it with Toum; this punchy garlic sauce is egg-free and a great alternative to aioli.

Thanks to Harbour Seafood - Fish, Te Mahanga - Rocket Potatoes, Janefield Hydroponics - Herbs, Greens and Lebanese Cuisine - Toum for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market
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