

  • Olive oil
  • 6 courgettes made into ribbons, lengthwise with a peeler
  • A clove of garlic, smashed
  • Half a preserved lemon, cut into very fine dice
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • Cream
  • Juice of a lemon (or splash of white wine if you have some open)
  • A sharp cheese to finish (optional)
  • Parsley


Pasta-less courgette pasta

courgette ribbon


  • Heat a little olive oil and add your garlic followed quickly by your courgette
  • Once the courgette is glossy and softened build your sauce in the same pan; preserved lemon, mustard, lemon juice or white wine, cream
  • Reduce the sauce down until silky
  • Season, and serve with a scattering of parsley and a sharp cheese if you prefer


An increasing number of people need or choose to avoid pasta, sometimes due to gluten sensitivity, intolerance or sometimes as part of reducing their carbohydrate intake. Here’s a fun dish which is light, and done right has much of that silky mouth feel we love about ribbon pastas. You’ll also find a new reverence for your trusty vegetable peeler!