

  • Serves 4-6
  • PESTO (Makes 1 Cup)
  • 3 tbsp pine nuts
  • 2 cups fresh basil leaves
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • pinch of salt
  • ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 6 new potatoes or small Red potatoes
  • 1 cup trimmed young green beans or Haricots Verts
  • 500 g linguine or spaghetti
  • Sea salt flakes
  • Freshly grated parmesan cheese for serving



pasta w beans


  • TO MAKE PESTO - Combine the pine nuts, basil, garlic, and salt in a large stone mortar and grind with the pestle until the mixture forms a paste
  • Slowly drizzle in the olive oil, beating all the while with a wooden spoon
  • Add the Parmesan 1 tablespoon at a time, beating until the mixture forms a thick paste
  • The pesto can also be made in a food processor
  • The pesto can be stored in a jar, topped with a thin layer of extra-virgin olive oil, for several weeks in the refrigerator
  • TO MAKE PASTA - Cook potatoes in large pot of boiling salted water until just tender, about 3 minutes
  • Using a slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to a large bowl
  • Add green beans to same pot and cook until crisp and tender, about 3 minutes
  • Using slotted spoon, transfer to bowl with potatoes
  • Cook pasta in same pot until tender but still firm to bite
  • Drain, reserving 1/2 cup cooking liquid
  • Transfer pasta to bowl with potatoes and green beans
  • Whisk reserved ¼ cup cooking liquid into pesto
  • Add pesto to pasta mixture and toss thoroughly to coat
  • If the sauce looks too dry on the pasta add remaining cooking liquid
  • Toss through and transfer pasta to large platter
  • Serve, adding extra parmesan separately as desired


Thanks to Pasta d’Oro for providing the pasta, and to Ettrick Gardens for the green beans used in the demonstration

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