

  • A little butter
  • 3 small onions, chopped
  • 200g ham,
  • 500 gms peas
  • 4 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1ltrs chicken stock
  • 1 pork hock
  • 1 sprig mint
  • salt and pepper
  • pinch of sugar
  • 150mls cream
  • 25 g butter
  • 200gms dried cannelloni beans


Pea, ham and white bean soup



  • Place the beans in a pot and cook until tender
  • Drain well
  • Heat the butter in a pan, add the onion and garlic and sweat for a minute
  • In a pot place the pork hock and the chicken stock and boil for 30mins to flavor the soup
  • Remove the hock from the soup
  • Add the stock and peas to the onions
  • Cook for a 10 minutes Cook until the peas are soft to the touch
  • Add the mint, season and add the sugar
  • Blend until smooth, and then put through a fine sieve
  • Dice up the ham and add it to the soup for garnish along with the beans ,season well and serve


Serves 10

Thank you to Julie and the Otago Polytechnic for undertaking this demonstration