

  • 6 large beetroots, peeled and cut into chunks
  • half a cup of a blackcurrant, apple cider vinegar, reduced by a third
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 Spring onions
  • fresh soft herbs of your choosing


Poached beetroot salad

ettric gold red beetroot


  • Poach your beetroot in plenty of salted water until just al dente, drain well
  • In a very hot pan heat a little olive oil and sauté the beetroot for 2-3min
  • Add your spring onions as you remove the pan from the heat
  • Tumble the beetroot into a shallow bowl with reduced vinegar, drizzle with a little extra olive oil and scatter with fresh chopped herbs
  • You can posh this up with addition of hazelnuts or walnuts and/or a sharp crumbled cheese
  • The Vintage Windsor on today’s tasting platter would be perfect


Wow, I never get bored of the colour of beetroot, and it’s even better to have several varieties to play with. Have fun!