

  • Serves 4-6
  • 6 pears
  • 6 cardamom pods, lightly crushed
  • Pinch of saffron threads (8 approx)
  • 1cm piece of fresh ginger, finely grated
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 cup water
  • 1 orange, zest
  • 250 g unsweetened yoghurt



pears w cardamon


  •  Strained yoghurt - If wanting to make strained yoghurt you will need to start this at least the night before as you want the liquid to drain from the yoghurt
  • I line a sieve or colander with muslin or some suitable fine mesh cloth
  • Place the yoghurt in this and pull up the sides
  • Tie with string and drain for at least 12 hours or longer if possible
  • When ready to use remove the string and cloth and turn carefully onto a plate
  • The yoghurt will be creamy and thick
  • This can be used for sweet and savoury dishes
  • Pears Place the cardamom, saffron, ginger, sugar and water into a suitable size pot (medium to large)
  • Add the orange zest and bring to the boil, reduce the temperature to a gentle simmer
  • Peel the pears, remove the core and cut into either halves or quarters
  • Place into the poaching liquid, cover the surface of the liquid with a round of greaseproof paper (cartouche) as this will assist in keeping the pears submerged for even cooking
  • Poach very gently until tender (12-20 minutes)
  • Remove from the heat and cool in the liquid
  • Serve in bowl with a little of the cardamom syrup and a generous spoonful of the strained yoghurt


This fragrant method of poaching pears adds a wonderful Middle Eastern flavour. I like to serve them with creamy strained yoghurt.

Thanks to ROSEDALE ORCHARDS for providing the pears used in the demonstration.

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