

  • 4 hard boiled free range eggs
  • 700g pork mince
  • 300g streaky bacon
  • 1 free range egg
  • 2 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 heaped teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp toasted fennel seeds


Pork Meat


Pork, fennel and egg terrine

pork fennel and egg terrine


  • Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and set aside
  • Pre heat the oven to 170 degrees Line a 22x12cm loaf tin with baking paper, leaving an overhang on each side In a bowl mix together the pork mince, toasted fennel seed, oregano, 1 egg, mustard and salt
  • Mix until well combined
  • Line the loaf tin with the steaky bacon, leaving it to overhang the tin
  • Press ½ of the mince into the tin and then place the 4 hard boiled eggs down the length of the tin before pressing in the remainder of the mince around them and over the top
  • Make sure the mince is packed in tightly Cover the top of the terrine with the overhanging bacon and then cover with the baking paper
  • Place tin foil over the top of the tin securely and place into a deep roasting dish
  • Fill the roasting dish with boiling water half way up the loaf tin
  • Place in the oven and bake for 2 hours until it is firm and cooked through
  • Remove from the roasting dish and place a heavy tray over the top of the loaf tin to weight the terrine down overnight in the fridge
  • The next day remove from the tin, slice and serve with your favourite crusty bread and relish, chutney or pickles!