

  • 1kg Topside of beef
  • 1 ½ Tbsp flour
  • 425ml red wine 2 onions cut into wedges
  • 25g butter
  • 12 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 2 bay leaves 4 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
  • Couple of sprigs fresh thyme
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4-6 medium potatoes – waxy variety, peeled and cut into large chunks



ofm 40


  • Preheat oven to 140C
  • Melt ½ oz (10 g) of the butter in a casserole and when it begins to foam turn the heat up high
  • Dry the meat thoroughly with kitchen paper and then brown it on all sides in the hot butter
  • Browning one flat side first, then turn it over on the other side and movie it around to get the round edges browned as well
  • Add the herbs, the wine and some salt and pepper
  • Bring it all up to simmering point, put on a tight-fitting lid, using foil if necessary, then transfer it to the oven and leave it to cook for 1 ½ hours without looking at it
  • While the beef is cooking, prepare the vegetables
  • When the pot roast's cooking time is up, remove the meat from the casserole, add the vegetables and push them under the liquid
  • Spoon some of the liquid over the meat
  • Cover it with foil and return it to the oven for a further 1 ½ hours
  • Remove it from the oven
  • Remove the meat and vegetables and leave it to relax for 10 minutes
  • Meanwhile, remove the herbs, place the casserole over direct heat and boil briskly to reduce the liquid slightly
  • Mix the flour and remaining butter to a smooth paste, then add this mixture in small pieces to the hot liquid and whisk with a small whisk until it comes back to the boil and you have a smooth, slightly thickened sauce
  • Slice the beef and serve alongside the vegetables, drizzle over the liquid and enjoy!


Thank you to LIMOUSIN HEALTHY BEEF AND LAMB  for supporting this recipe.

To download a copy of this recipe click here