

  • 3 large potatoes, slicked 2mm thick
  • 1 red onion, thinly sliced into half moons
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed
  • 1 ½ cups of kale, central stalks out, rolled and shredded
  • Dozen eggs,
  • ¼ cup of cream
  •  ½ tsp of salt, cracked black pepper and freshly grated nutmeg
  • A favourite cheese
  • Paprika


Potato and kale frittata



  • Set your oven to bake 170°C
  • Preheat an ovenproof skillet and add a glug of olive oil, followed by your onions and garlic and cook until onion begins to soften
  • Add your sliced potatoes and toss frequently to soften
  • Add your kale or other greens and stir
  • When all ingredients have lost their raw quality, (think barely al dente) level and tip in your beaten egg mix to fill all the gaps
  • Decrease the heat to medium low and allow the bottom half of the frittata to set undisturbed
  • After 10min or so transfer pan to a preheated oven (170°C) and cook for a further 20min or until the centre top is only just set
  • Scatter over grated cheese and top with a sprinkle of paprika and return to oven to melt and colour up
  • Allow to cool in pan for several hours before inverting onto a plate
  • For best presentation allow to cool fully and then refrigerate
  • Serve cut into wedges with a spoon of your favourite chutney and a leafy salad


I recently had the very good fortune to be gifted a freshly shelled ostrich egg, via a friend. We made a whopping single egg frittata (equal to 2 dozen chicken eggs!) That extraordinary egg and a fun afternoon of cooking inspired this dish with faithful hens’ eggs. Use any precooked greens or cooked potatoes you have on hand, or build from scratch as per the recipe. Celery leaves make a great addition so spare them from the compost bucket.