

  • serves 4-8
  • 1kg queen scallops or any variety of fresh scallop
  • 150g butter, roughly diced
  • 2 cloves garlic (or more if desired), sliced thinly
  • 2 lemons,
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh dill or parsley
  • 1 fresh chilli, deseeded (if necessary) finely sliced - optional addition but delicious
  • sea salt flakes
  • freshly cracked pepper



scallops w g butter


  • Preheat your BBQ or grill on the oven to very hot
  • Place the butter into a small pot and melt over a medium heat, add the garlic and a squeeze of lemon
  • Allow the butter to melt and bubble as it is good to let the garlic really cook almost going a light golden brown, this will deepen the flavour and colour of the butter
  • Add a pinch of salt and a few grinds of freshly ground pepper and add chilli if using
  • Add another squeeze of lemon, and chopped parsley
  • Set aside
  • Wash the scallops under cold running water, and shake dry
  • Place on a baking tray in a single layer so that they cook fast and even
  • If your oven doesn't have the capacity to cook them all at once directly under the grill you just have to cook them in batches
  •   Place as close to the grill as safe and possible or place directly onto the BBQ
  • They usually take about 4-6 minutes
  • I often turn them over to rotate them a little
  • With scallops the shells usually pop open much like a mussel or clam but sometimes you will find that the shells of a scallop will not as the hinges on shells seem to be very fragile and break
  • Just because they haven't opened doesn't mean that you can't eat them
  • Gently prize them open with some tongs! Please note however that this is pretty much the only shellfish where i would say this as general rule is if they don't open then throw out! Once they shells have caramelised a little and the juices are bubbling, p


 Sweet, succulent bite-size scallops, drenched in garlic butter. First course – done!!

Thanks to Edmonds Fresh Fish (scallops) , and to Te Mahanga (garlic) for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market

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