

  •  Serves 4 as a side
  • 3 bulbs of fennel, with tops
  • 1 medium red onion, sliced finely
  • 20g fresh parmesan cheese, shaved
  • 1 lemon, juice
  • 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt flakes
  • Freshly ground black pepper



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  •  Prepare the fennel by removing the long stems and leafy tops (keeping the leaves)
  • Remove any tough outer leaves and slice the fennel bulb very, very thin or shave it finely on a mandolin
  • Place into a large bowl, Add the sliced onion, parmesan and a handful of the fennel leaves, roughly chopped
  • Season lightly with salt and pepper
  • Mix the lemon juice with the oil, season with a pinch of salt and mix to combine
  • Drizzle over the fennel and toss well to combine
  • Serve


 I love these quick accompaniments as they are enjoyable to prepare and fantastic to eat. The fresh crunch of fennel works so well with fish, pork and chicken.

Thanks to Brydone Organic Growers for providing the fennel used in the demonstration.

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