

  • 1L white or cider vinegar
  • 4 cups white sugar
  • 1T salt
  • 10 - 12 whole cloves
  • 3 - 4 star anise
  • 1T whole black pepper corns
  • 4 bay leaves


Quickled cucumbers

quickled cucumbers


  • Combine all ingredients in a pot and bring the boil
  • Remove from heat and cool before transferring to a sterilised jar for refrigeration
  • To serve; cut cucumber into small dice, or using peeler work into long ribbons
  • Avoid using the seeds as this makes for a water product
  • If using onions peel then slice into thin even rounds, ideally on a mandolin
  • Place in a shallow flat dish and pour over just enough pickling liquor to cover
  • Serve immediately


Try this as a side to your Reuben as an alternative to the traditional dill pickles (gherkins). Make your pickling liquor ahead of time and keep a jar of it in the fridge, ready to make this crunchy, punchy condiment in a flash. This is effectively a 1:1 ratio simple syrup using vinegar in place of water.