

  • 60g of medium oatmeal
  • 150g of raspberries
  • 4 tablespoons of malt whisky
  • 4 tablespoons of runny Scottish honey
  • 600mls of double cream


Desserts Baking


Raspberry Cranachan



  • Mix oatmeal with a little drizzle honey, spread evenly over tray and place under grill
  • Don’t go away as it burns quickly! Once it has toasted to a light golden colour remove and cool down
  • Lightly whip cream to form stiff peaks, then fold through ¾ of the remaining honey and whisky
  • Fold through ½ the amount of cooled toasted oats - for a bit of texture
  • It looks good either in individual glasses or one large glass bowl
  • Place a little cream in the bottom of each glass, place an even amount of raspberries in each glass
  • Add another good spoonful of cream mixture and top neatly with more raspberries
  • Continue until all the glasses are done
  • Finish with another spoonful of cream and finally add a scattering of toasted oats
  • Chill until required


Berries have been known for their health benefits for centuries.
I also think the sheer colour of these gorgeous balls of flavour would make you feel better on any day.