

  • 1T of olive oil
  • 1 red onion, very finely diced
  • 1tsp chopped rosemary
  • ½cup port or sherry
  • a punnet of red currents
  • salt


Red currant sauce

red currant sauce


  • In a pan heat a little olive oil sauté your red onion
  • Add the rosemary, and ½ cup of port or sherry and allow to reduce by half
  • Add your red currants and sugar and stir
  • Reduce the heat and allow to thicken
  • Check seasoning and adjust the sweet/sour balance with sugar/red wine vinegar to suit
  • If the sauce gets to thick thin it with a little water, a table spoon at a time
  • Even though this is a sweet sauce don’t forget to check and adjust for salt – a pinch will bring out the sweetness without overdoing the sugar
  • You can step this sauce up a notch by including a finely diced red chili with the onion


If you prefer a warm sauce with lamb now’s your chance to rock out this juicy red currant number. It’s equally good refrigerated to accompany any leftover lamb (yeah right!) in sandwiches.