

  • 3-4 new carrots, scrubbed and dried
  • ½ cup toasted peeled hazelnuts
  • salt, sugar, ground cumin, smoked paprika
  • olive oil


Roasted carrot and hazelnut dip

roasted carrot and hazelnut dip


  • Gently roast the carrots until tender and sweet
  • In a processor combine hazelnuts, carrots, and a good pinch of each seasoning and a glug of olive oil
  • Process in to a coarse paste and serve
  •  Stored with layer of olive oil over top this will keep for a week or two, easy


Partner this with a handful of rice crackers or some toasted flat bread, and some chunky fingers of capsicum and cucumber for dipping and you’ve got a quick snack that is simple, tasty and healthy.