

  • Serves 4-6
  • 300g yams
  • 300g earth gems
  • 300g parsnips, peeled and cut into similar size to above ingredients
  • 300g purple potatoes, cut in half
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • Salt and cracked pepper
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • Olive oil



roast veg


  • Preheat oven to 200C
  • Place roasting tray in the oven
  • Toss all the ingredients together and place into the hot oven dish with all the oil and herbs
  • Roast until golden, and the vegetables are tender (30-40 minutes)
  • Serve straight from the oven


This time of year is all about warming roasted vegetables.  The array at the market is full of exciting and interesting flavours, colours and textures. If you want, you can add a handful of leaves to wilt through before serving.

Thanks to BRYDONE GROWERS – yams,  and WAIRUNA ORGANICS – earth gems, parsnips, purple potatoes, for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market
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