

  • Makes 12 large meringues or 100 small
  • 6 large egg whites
  • 250g rose petal sugar
  • 140g caster sugar
  • ¼ tsp rose petal water (optional)
  • Few drops red food colouring



meringue stack


  • Preheat oven to 110C
  • Place a medium saucepan of water over gentle heat and bring to a simmer
  • Place egg whites, rose petal and caster sugar in a heatproof bowl over the saucepan, ensuring the bowl doesn't come in contact with the water
  • Stir well to combine the egg whites and sugar, add the rose water and heat for approximately five minutes or until a digital thermometer reaches 40C
  • Remove from heat and place in a bowl of a freestanding electric mixer and whisk on high speed for about eight minutes, until the mixture has cooled
  • Gently fold in the food colouring
  • Place large spoonful’s of mix on lined baking trays, allowing room for the meringues to expand
  • If making small ones use a plain 1cm nozzle fitted into a piping bag and pipe into small rounds and then pull up bag to form a tip, a bit like a Hersey Kiss! Sprinkle over cocoa with a fine sieve
  • Place in oven and bake for 1¼ hours if making large ones, and 50 minutes if making small ones
  • When they are ready, they will be dry underneath but still soft in the centre
  • Remove from oven and allow to cool
  • Serve piled up on a beautiful platter with a large bowl of fresh berries and cream, sprinkle over more rose petals (you can never have too many)


Thanks to Kanuka Organics for providing the dried rose petals used in the demonstration

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