

  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2cm ginger
  • 1 t ground cumin
  • 60ml water
  • 15ml soy sauce
  • 25 ml fish sauce
  • 40 ml lemon juice
  • smidge sesame oil
  • 50g brown sugar or large knife (!) of malt
  • ½ t hot sauce if you like heat
  • 1/3 cup parsley (or mint)
  • Roasted peanuts


Satay Sauce for Veges

satay sacuce


  • Heat everything except the parsley over a medium heat until it thickens slightly
  • Crush the peanuts and sprinkle on top
  • Use immediately or keep in the fridge for up to a week


Use this hot when you first make it on grated salad veges for a warmish winter salad. It is also great stirred through hot steamed veges. It keeps for a week.

Thanks to Brydone Growers for providing the yams and cabbage used in the demonstration.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here