

  • Serves 4
  • 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1 Tbsp whole-grain mustard
  • 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • ¾ tsp sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 2 Tbsp good quality oil, preferably cold-pressed
  • 4-5 stalks silver beet, stalks removed and leaves thinly sliced
  • 1 bulb fennel, thinly sliced



silvebeet salad


  • Bring a medium sized pot of salted water to the boil
  • Slice the silverbeet stalks thinly and blanch for 2 minutes until just tender
  • Drain and refresh under cold water
  • Preheat oven to 180C
  • Toast sunflower seeds on a baking tray until lightly toasted about 10 minutes
  • Set aside to cool
  • Meanwhile, stir mustard, lemon juice, salt, and honey together in a small bowl; whisk in oil until emulsified
  • Toss together the silverbeet leaves, stalks, and fennel together
  • Add the sunflower seeds and pour in the dressing; toss well to coat
  • Serve immediately


A little creativeness goes into salads at this time of the year.  Adding different textures, flavours and a punchy dressing will add a wonderful twist to your salad.

Thanks to ETTRICK GARDENS – fennel and to  MCARTHURS BERRY FARM – silverbeet, for the produce used in the demonstration at the market
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