

  • 1kg pears (pick out the hardest, smallest ones you can find)
  • 350g soft light brown sugar
  • 275ml white wine vinegar
  • 275ml cider vinegar
  • 7.5cm cinnamon stick, broken into 3 pieces
  • ½ lemon, cut into thin slices
  • ½ level teaspoon whole cloves
  • 1 level teaspoon juniper berries
  • 1 level dessertspoon mixed pepper berries (These are a mixture of black, white and green peppercorns with allspice berries)



Desserts Preserves


Spiced Pickled Pears

spiced pickled pears


  • Start off by putting all the ingredients except the pears in a large saucepan and place it on a low heat, allowing it to come slowly to the boil
  • Give everything a whisk round from time to time to dissolve the sugar crystals
  • While that's happening, peel the pears
  • They need to be pared very thinly
  • This means using either a very sharp knife or a really good potato peeler
  • Take off all the peel but leave the stalks and the base florets intact
  • As you peel each pear, plunge it into a bowl of cold water
  • Then, after peeling them, check that the sugar has completely dissolved into the vinegar, drain the pears and add them to the saucepan
  • Bring everything up to a gentle simmer and let the pears cook for about 20 minutes or until they look slightly transparent and feel tender when tested with a small skewer
  • In the meantime, the jar should be washed thoroughly in warm, soapy water, rinsed, dried and heated in a moderate oven for 5 minutes
  • Then, using a draining spoon, transfer the pears and slices of lemon to the clean jar
  • Now boil the syrup furiously for about 5 minutes until it's reduced to about 15 fl oz (425 ml) and pour in enough to fill the jar right up to its neck and completely cover the pears
  • Then scoop out the spices and add them to the jar as well
  • Any leftover syrup can be discarded
  • Cover and seal the jar and, when the contents are completely cold, wipe and label it and store it in a cool dark place for about 1 month before using
  • The pears will keep well for 6 months


You will need a 1 litre jar with a glass or plastic lid (vinegar corrodes metal).