

  • Serves 5
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1-2 chillies, finely chopped
  • Good pinch of salt
  • 3-4 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 5 eggs
  • 500 g minced beef, pork or lamb
  • About 2 Tbsp fish sauce
  • Large pinch of white sugar
  • ¼ cup stock or water
  • 2 large handfuls of holy (Thai) basil leaves
  • To serve: 1 Tbsp lime juice (optional) Good pinch of chopped coriander per bowl



fried beef w egg


  • Begin by soaking the rice in cold water
  • Set aside
  • Drain the rice and rinse many time so the water runs clear
  • Just cover the rice once again with cold water so that the water is about 2 cm above the top of the rice
  • Add a pinch of salt and cover
  • Bring the rice to the boil, then immediately reduce the temperature to a gentle simmer
  • Cook for a further 10 minutes or until rice is just cooked
  • Turn off the heat and let stand for another 5-10 minutes
  • Fluff up with a fork before serving
  • In a large fry pan or wok heat to hot, then reduce the temperature slightly
  • Add 3 tablespoons oil
  • Chop the garlic with the chillies and salt and add cook without colouring (30 minute) add the minced meat and stir-fry for a minute or two, season to taste with the fish sauce and sugar
  • Add the stock or water and cook for a further minute
  • Add the basil and as soon it wilts, remove from the heat
  • The mince should have quite an intense flavour combining the hot, salty and spicy flavours created
  • To fry the eggs – add 1-2 Tbsp oil to t fry pan and heat to moderate temperature
  • Carefully break in the eggs on at a time and cook until just firm
  • To serve – spoon desired amount of rice into each bowl, cover with minced meat and finish with a fried egg on top, squeeze of lime (optional) and sprinkle of coriander


This dish is the perfect crowd pleaser - if cooking for children I just remove the chilli or don't add as much. It can be served with crisp lettuce also if desired.

Thanks to LECKIES BUTCHERY – minced meat; JANEFIELD HYDROPONICS – Thai basil; AGREEABLE NATURE –free range eggs; and KAKANUI PRODUCE – chillies for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration at the market

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