

  • Serves 4 as a side dish
  • 2 eggplant, medium sized
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 4 medium tomatoes, roughly diced
  • fresh coriander for garnish
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • 1 tsp ginger, finely grated
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 ½ tsp black mustard seeds
  • 1 kg potatoes (waxy)





  • Place frying pan on high heat, add cumin seeds, when fragrant (10-20 seconds) take off heat and set aside
  • Peel the potatoes and dice into 1 cm cubes Cut off stem of aubergine and dice into 1 cm cubes, with the skin on Place a large fry pan on medium-high heat and pour in a glug of oil
  • Add ginger, garlic and mustard seeds
  • Let it splatter for 30 seconds so the garlic and ginger is browned
  • Add the potatoes
  • Turn the heat to medium and saute for five minutes and add a tablespoon or more of water to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the bottom of the pot
  • Add aubergine and continue to stir
  • Add cayenne, turmeric and salt to taste
  • Add a few more tablespoons of water (again, to prevent aubergine or potatoes from sticking to the bottom of the pan) and then add tomatoes
  • Turn the heat to low-medium, place lid on top and allow to steam for 15 minutes
  • Check at the 10 minute mark
  • When ready, sprinkle with roasted cumin and fresh chopped coriander


This dish is fantastic as it has a bit of spice, it is great eaten with some plain steamed rice and nan bread or serve it with the lamb dish above.

Thanks to KAKANUI PRODUCE (eggplant) and BRYDONE GROWERS (potatoes) for providing the ingredients used in the demonstration.

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