

  •  1 bunch spring carrots, scrubbed (I like to leave a bit of the top on)
  • 1T butter
  • 1T lemon juice
  • salt and black pepper
  • 3T coriander


Spring Carrots

spring carrots w coriander


  •  Scrub the carrots then steam over a medium heat for 8 to 12 minutes
  • Skewer them to find out when they are pleasing to you
  • Place in a bowl and toss with lemon juice, butter, salt and pepper
  • Arrange on serving plate and scatter over the coriander
  • (Add a few roast pine nuts too if you are serving at a special occasion)


 Thanks to Ettrick Gardens for providing the carrots, and to Janefield Paeonies and Hydroponics for the coriander used in the cooking demonstration at the Otago Farmers Market

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