

  • 500g carrots, clean and trimmed
  • Knob of butter
  • 2T honey
  • 1-2 T balsamic vinegar
  • 1C stock (preferably chicken or vegetable)
  • 1T sesame seeds
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped



Vegetarian Spring


Spring carrots with a honey glaze

glazed carrots


  • Trim carrots and scrub or scrape clean Fry the carrots in the butter for about 1 minute before adding the garlic, honey and vinegar
  • Cook for another minute or until the vinegar smell has all but gone
  • Add the stock and cover the pan Cook for around 8-10 minutes (until the carrots start to soften) then uncover and cook for a few more minutes until the liquid thickens
  • Plate the carrots and drizzle over a small amount of the glaze
  • Sprinkle some sesame seeds before serving


Thanks to Wairuna Organics - spring carrots, and Blueskin Bay Honey - honey, for providing the ingredients used in the cooking demonstration at the Otago Farmers Market

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