

  • Serves 4
  • 1kg purple sprouting broccoli
  • 1 medium sized red chilli (not too hot)
  • 2 large cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1 small tin of anchovy fillets in olive oil, drained
  • Good quality olive oil
  • 350g (14oz) pasta: fusilli, penne rigate, spaghetti, linguine or conchiglie
  • 4Tbsp grated parmesan cheese


Sprouting broccoli pasta

brocc pasta


  • Put a large pan of water on to boil with a little salt for the pasta
  • Trim the outer leaves and tough stalks from the broccoli
  • Wash the broccoli well to get out any grit and chop into 1cm pieces Cut the chilli in half lengthways and scrape out the seeds and pith
  • Chop the chilli flesh, the garlic and the anchovies finely
  • In another large pan, warm 60ml (4 tablespoons) of olive oil over a medium heat and add the chilli, garlic and anchovies
  • Gently cook these for a minute then add the broccoli, season with a little salt and pepper, then continue to cook gently whilst the pasta boils to el dente
  • After the pasta has been cooking for 5 minutes transfer a small ladle of the cooking water to the broccoli
  • Turn up the heat to high, add another 30ml (2 tablespoons) of oil and add the cheese
  • Cook for 2 minutes
  • If the broccoli is cooked and tender, cover and set aside until the pasta is done
  • When ready, drain the pasta then toss with the broccoli and serve immediately


Thanks to Ettrick Gardens for providing the broccoli used in the demonstration at the market
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