

  • Makes 4 x 200ml jars
  • 1.5kg ripe strawberries
  • 1.5kg sugar
  • Juice of 2 lemons


Strawberry Jam (1)



  • 1
  • Hull the strawberries and discard any rotten ones
  • Mash the berries into a rough pulp
  • Put into a wide, thick-bottomed pan, and bring gently to the boil, add the sugar and the lemon juice
  • Put a saucer in the freezer
  • 2
  • Boil the jam for about 15 minutes, stirring regularly checking the setting point every minute or so during the last 5 minutes
  • To do this, take the cold saucer out of the freezer, put a little jam on it, and put it back in to cool for a minute
  • If it wrinkles when you push it with your finger, then it's done
  • 3
  • Take off the heat
  • Pour into sterilised jars and cover with a disc of waxed paper, seal and store
  • Or store in a plastic container in the freezer, and take out a bit at a time as you need it
  • Due to its high sugar content it will not freeze solid
