

  • 1kg potatoes
  • 5 corn cobs
  • Flat leaf parsley
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 220g mayonnaise – see corn dip recipe
  • 100g blue cheese (plus extra for garnish)
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 2 tsp horseradish



Vegetarian Salad Sides Sweetcorn


Sweet corn and Potato salad with creamy blue cheese dressing

sweet corn and potato salad with creamy blue cheese dressing


  • Scrub the potatoes really well and then cut into cubes
  • Place into a large pot and cover with water
  • Add a good pinch of salt to the water and then bring to the boil
  • Reduce to a simmer and cook the potatoes until they are only just tender when tested with a knife
  • Drain the potatoes and then spread out in a thin layer so they cool quicker
  • Remove the husk from the corn and cook in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes
  • Drain off the water and make the dressing while waiting for the potatoes and corn to cool
  • Whisk together the sour cream, mayonnaise and finely grated horseradish
  • Crumble in the blue cheese and mix again
  • Add a generous amount of cracked black pepper and a little salt to taste (depending on the blue cheese you may need little or no extra salt)
  • Using a sharp knife remove the corn from the cob and then mix together with the cooled potatoes and the blue cheese dressing
  • Finely chop a handful of flat leaf parsley and mix through salad and check the seasoning
  • Crumble the extra blue cheese over the top as a garnish and then serve