

  • Serves 4-6
  • 2 medium sized yellow courgettes
  • 2 medium sized green courgettes
  • 500g cherry tomatoes
  • 4 Tbsp sherry or red wine vinegar
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed finely
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt flakes
  • Freshly cracked black pepper
  • Handful fresh mint leaves,
  • 2 lovage leaves, finely shredded (if available)
  • 75g feta cheese



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  • Begin by heating up your barbecue to hot
  • This is essential so that your vegetables char and cook fast as you still want them to have texture
  • Prepare your courgettes by removing the end and slicing them into 1cm diagonal disc, continue until all cut
  • Set aside
  • Make your dressing by adding the vinegar, garlic and oil into a large platter, mix to combine and season well with sea salt flakes and cracked pepper
  • Place the courgettes in a single layer on the bars of the barbecue and cook for 1-2 minutes or until black char line occurs, turn and cook for a further minute
  • You want to keep the courgettes firm, yet tender
  • For this salad you don’t want them over cooked
  • As soon as they cook take them off and plunge them directly into the dressing, continue this process until all the courgettes are cooked
  • Now cook the tomatoes by placing them onto the barbecue and cook for about 1-2 minutes or until the skin blisters and blackens and the tomatoes are on the verge of bursting
  • Remove from and add the salad
  • To finish the salad add the herbs and crumble over the feta cheese, toss lightly so that all the flavours mingle
  • Check the seasoning and serve


 Barbecuing vegetables and turning them into smoky dressed salads adds a new dimension to our vibrant summer produce.

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