

  • 175g melted butter
  • 160g egg whites (about 4)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 65g almond meal or white flour
  • 240g icing sugar
  • 165g coconut
  • 1½ cup frozen berries


Toffeed Blackcurrant Macaroon Cake

blackcurr cake


  • Melt your butter
  • Heat the oven to 150C
  • Completely line a tin with one piece of baking paper, (don't skip this or do a separate bottom and sides- it has to be enclosed)
  • Sift your flour/almonds and icing sugar together
  • Beat eggs until soft peaks form, slowly at first then more vigorously
  • Lightly pour in butter and vanilla to one side of the eggs
  • Lightly place flour, icing sugar and coconut on top
  • Then, ever so gently and using a metal spoon fold it together
  • Stop when you are almost sure that it is combined
  • Use an action that does not press out the air but lifts and folds
  • Pour into prepped tin and then sprinkle with the berry fruit
  • Cook for about 80 minutes, but sometimes it takes way longer, I don't know why
  • It is cooked when the middle does not wobble
  • If you have to go out or, if you have given up hope, then just turn the oven off and leave the cake in there


 Thanks to Butlers Fruit Farm: blackcurrants, and Agreeable Nature: eggs
for the produce used in the cooking demonstration.

Please click here if you wish to download this recipe