

  • 2kg red or green tomatoes
  • 5 brown onions
  • 2 ½ T salt
  • 400g brown sugar
  • 760ml malt vinegar
  • 1T & 1t both mustard powder & curry powder
  • 4 chillies if you like it spicy
  • 3T flour (or rice flour for the GF factor)
  • 65ml malt vinegar.


Tomato Relish

tom relish on biscuit


  • Chop your tomatoes and onions roughly, place in a plastic or glass bowl
  • Sprinkle with salt
  • Let sit for 8 to 24 hours
  • Drain off the liquid that forms and throw it out - I have not found a good use for it, try as I might
  • Put the tomatoes and onions in a pan with sugar and the first lot of vinegar, boil it all gently for about 90 minutes
  • It can be tricky to get no lumps when you are stirring in the spices
  • To combat this I remove about half a cup of liquid or so when there is about 20 minutes to go
  • Once this is cool then I mix the second lot of vinegar, and the removed liquid with the spices and flour
  • When you have mixed them together, trickle in the spice mix as you stir quickly to incorporate it quickly before lumps can set
  • Cook for another 5 minutes then pour into sterile jars
  • To sterilise your jars: I always re-use old jars with metal lids, the sort that go pop
  • Check that the lids have not been punctured or damaged as they won't form a seal
  • Heat your oven to 100 degrees and put cleaned jars in for at least 10 minutes
  • Boil the lids in water (in your kettle if there is no exposed element)
  • Listen for the sound of happiness as the vacuum forms, sucking the air out of the jar making a popping sound
  • Check that all your jars have popped once they have cooled, you should not be able to push the lid down at all in the middle, if they have not sealed then store that jar in your fridge and use it first


My Mum made this every year. People used to ask her what the secret was; it was the tomatoes my Pop grew. My secret is Farmer's Market tomatoes.
This gets better with age - try and let it sit for a few months.

Thanks to Kakanui Produce for providing the tomatoes, and to Evansdale Cheese for the Farmhouse Brie for tasting.

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