

  • 250gm San Remo pulse pasta – I like green pea, or red lentil.
  • 6 venison and horopito biersticks (Wild Larder)
  • 4 spring onions (Wairuna Organics)
  • 1 red capsicum
  • ½ cup sliced Italian parsley
  • 1 head of lettuce (Wairuna Organics)
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Tomato Kasundi (Port Larder)



Venison and Horopito Bierstick Pasta Salad with Kasundi

venison and horopito bierstick pasta salad with kasundi


  • Cook pasta as per packet instructions, drain, run some cold water through it, and set aside to cool
  • Slice bier sticks, the white of the spring onions (setting aside the green) and red capsicum into similar sized pieces
  • Place a fry pan on a medium heat and cook off the bierstick pieces until the oils start to come out, then add in the spring onion and capsicum
  • Cook until the vegetables are tender then remove from the heat
  • Add the olive oil to the pan, and allow vegetables to cool
  • Slice the lettuce into approx
  • 2cm ribbons
  • Slice the greens of the spring onions
  • In a large bowl, combine the lettuce, spring onions, and parsley
  • Add in the cooled pasta, bier sticks and vegetables and toss to combine
  • Ensure you get all of the oil from the fry pan in there; that is your dressing
  • Season to taste
  • Serve with approximately ¼ of a cup of kasundi dolloped over top
  • Add more if you like it hot, reduce it if not
  • It is nice and spicy
  • This is the perfect picnic salad, or make-in-advance summer dinner! Enjoy!