

  • 4 slices bacon steaks, cut into chunks (or use any of their bacon products)
  • 1 can haricot/cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 onions, sliced thinly
  • 1 clove garlic, sliced thinly
  • 2 large tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • Generous pinch smoked paprika
  • Handful flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped
  • Knob of butter and glug of olive oil
  • 4 slices good quality bread cut into 1 cm thick slices





  • Put the oil and butter in a medium size fry-pan and add the onion, bacon, garlic and add the smoked paprika, cook until the onion has softened and the bacon is starting to caramelize and go nice and brown
  • Add the tomatoes and beans, cook until the tomatoes soften and form into a thickish sauce
  • If looking too dry add a dessert spoon or two of water, although you are not wanting to make it watery—it should still have a thickish, saucy look
  • Meanwhile, grill the toast until golden on both sides
  • Rub with a clove of garlic cut in half
  • Only rub the garlic once or twice over the bread as it is very strong
  • Drizzle with extra virgin olive, and place one piece of toast per plate
  • Add the chopped parsley to the beans, check for seasoning
  • Spoon a generous amount onto each plate, add another drizzle of extra virgin olive oil if desired and serve immediately
  • NB: Great with a fried egg!!


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