

  • Serves 4
  • 4 medium leeks, outer layers removed
  • 4 Jerusalem artichokes (320g)
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • 60g mixed winter leaves, such as rocket, mizuna or frisee
  • For the dressing
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 Tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp water
  • 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or rapeseed oil
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • 1 tsp chives, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp flat leaf parsley - leaves only




  • Slice the leeks into short lengths on the diagonal and wash well
  • Scrub or peel the Jerusalem artichokes and submerge them in cold water with the lemon juice, then slice each one into 4 even sized pieces Place the leeks and Jerusalem artichokes in a large steamer (a colander or sieve will do) over boiling water and cov
  • Steam over a high heat for 15 minutes
  • Check that the leeks and Jerusalem artichokes are cooked by piercing them with the tip of knife
  • The blade should go through easily and if in doubt simply taste them
  • Remove from the heat when tender and set aside while you make the dressing
  • To make the dressing – in a small bowl, mix together the mustard, wine vinegar and water, gradually whisk in the oil, adding it in a steady stream to blend thickly into the dressing
  • Season, add the herbs, taste and adjust as necessary
  • To assemble the salad – in a bowl, toss the steamed vegetables in half of the dressing
  • Check the seasoning
  • Arrange the vegetables on a platter or individual plates, dress the salad leaves in a bowl with the dressing and toss lightly with your fingertips
  • Scatter over the dressed salad leaves and serve


This is a truly French inspired salad which I have adapted from the magnificent chef Raymond Blanc. This is one of the few recipes I make every year; it is perfect!

Thanks to Wairuna Organics for supplying the artichokes, and to McArthurs Berry Farm for the leeks

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here