

  • Serves 4
  • 500g watercress, large stalks removed
  • 3 fresh, firm pears
  • 100g good quality blue cheese
  • 50 hazelnuts (toasted and skins removed)
  • 1 red onion, diced finely
  • Dressing
  • ½ tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sherry or apple cider vinegar
  • ½ tsp runny honey
  • 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or good quality rapeseed
  • Pinch sea salt flakes and grind or two of black pepper


Watercress and pear salad with toasted hazelnuts and blue cheese

watercress salad


  • Make the dressing first by adding all the ingredients together in a small bowl and whisk together to combine; it is vital that you taste the dressing as it needs to have an appealing balance of flavour verses acidity
  • Adjust if necessary
  • Pick through the watercress, discarding the long, sinewy stalks and any leaves that are wilted or squashed
  • Place the leaves into a large bowl along with the finely diced red onion and toasted hazelnuts
  • Cut the pear in half and then in half again and remove the core, slice into medium size wedges and add to the salad
  • Crumble in the blue cheese, season lightly with a little sea salt flakes and a grind of pepper (it is important to season your salad as you would vegetables)
  • Drizzle over half the dressing and toss lightly with your fingertips so every leaf, pear, nut and cheese gets evenly coated with dressing
  • If your salad is looking a little dry add more dressing, but don’t drown it
  • Serve immediately as the watercress will wilt almost instantly


This salad is perfectly in season and gathered from the many producers at the Otago Farmers Market.

thanks to Janefield Hydroponics for the watercress,  to Hawarden Orchard for the pears, and to Island Stream Hazels for the ingredients used in the demonstration.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here