

  •  Serves 4
  • 150g beetroot, cooked until tender and peeled
  • Dressing
  • 4 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • Salad
  • 100g watercress
  • 1 red onion, sliced into thin rounds (if possible)
  • 50g chopped walnuts
  • 100g Origin Beef-Bacon
  • 50g crème fraiche or soured cream
  • ½ - 1 tsp wild west wasabi (grated fresh horseradish available from Kutash organics)
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper



watercress salad v2


  • Cover the beetroot well with cold water and bring to the boil, cook until the beetroot is tender right through (depending size about 30-40 minutes)
  • Drain and cool, peel off outer skin with your hands
  • Cut the beetroot into thin rounds and place into large serving platter
  • Make dressing and pour over beetroot whilst assembling remainder of salad
  • Set aside
  • Heat a large fry pan up to hot, drizzle a little oil over the beef-bacon and fry quickly for a minute and then turn, season lightly with sea salt and remove from the heat and rest until you have assembled the salad
  • For the salad, gently wash the watercress in cold water, removing excess stalks
  • Scatter the watercress over the beetroot and then places the beef bacon slices on top, add the red onion, walnuts and season lightly with sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Add small blobs of crème fraiche mixed with the horseradish
  • Serve immediately


Thanks to WAIRUNA ORGANICS, AQUARIUS GARDENS, and ORIGIN BEEF for providing theingredients used in the cooking demonstration at the Otago Farmers Market.

If you would like to download a printable version of this recipe, please click here